Linling Lu: One Hundred Melodies of Solitude, No.222 is installed at the Baltimore Museum of Art, as part of the museum’s How Do We Know The World? series. This installation is now open to public at BMA Contemporary Wing through January 5, 2025.

IMAGE: Linling Lu, One Hundred Melodies of Solitude, No.222, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 72 x 72 x 1.75 inch, collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art. Art Fund established with exchange funds from gifts of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Berman, Equitable Bank, N.A., Geoffrey Gates, Sandra O. Moose, National Endowment for the Arts, Lawrence Rubin, Philip M. Stern, and Alan J. Zakon. Installation photographed by Xiaoming Liu, Ph.D. Courtesy of Baltimore Museum of Art.

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